Leica Bluetooth Interface

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Leica Bluetooth Interface

Post by jmskeen »

I have a Leica TS02plus and I have used this unit for a couple years transmitting coordinates over bluetooth flawlessly. Just this spring it started filling in the software with zeros even though you can see the actual coordinates and distances are being logged in the receiving data window. I have tried removing and reinstalling the software but still have the issue. I do not have a cable but will probably buy one as I do want to use this autofill to prevent errors. Any ideas on how to get the data to properly fill over bluetooth? I have tried to post a screenshot of the program as well.

Link to screenshot. https://photos.app.goo.gl/po6YrLRdJcVf8zHc8
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Re: Leica Bluetooth Interface

Post by emmanuel »

Hi Mark,

This part of code didn't change since a long time.
Maybe you did change some settings on your theodolite in between ?

If you open the Leica.theo file (there is a edit button to do that. It is a simple text file),
you will notice that:
- the software search in received data for a string indicated in Leica.theo file with "Start".
[HorzAngle] should be found after the string "21.323+", but your data contains "21.324-" instead: horz.angle cannot be found
- same for [VertAngle]: it search for "22.323+", but your data contains "22.324+"...

I am NOT a Leica user, and I don't know what means those values.
You can either set back your theodolite to the settings you were using before,
or edit the file to adapt the reading and conversion to what your theodolite is currently sending. (changing "Start" values to "21.324-" and "22.324+")
Save that file under another, personal name, ending with .theo, otherwise it might be overwritten from a software update.

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Re: Leica Bluetooth Interface

Post by emmanuel »

Another thing:
if you change the "start" values, be sure, by reading Leica's documentation, that the readings will be what expects the homologation software...

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