Multi computer access

Help, problems, suggestions about Waterski Scoring software
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Multi computer access

Post by cdietrich »

With the new (great) features of scoring program linking to surepath++ we have a new challenge.
With the online link between the different programs the scoring program has to stay in the calculation mode for the current skier throughout the tournament.

In a tournament we often have small tasks, like printing start lists, checking results from previous classes, +++ all of these would interrupt the WaterskiConnect link.

So the question...
Can I have the wsk file located on a shared drive, and open the file from a different PC.
If so, am I limited to 'read' mode = like printing OR can i make changes to different classes, schedule, jury panel, ++++
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Re: Multi computer access

Post by emmanuel »


1) while you are scoring an event with Surepath, you can open other windows (start lists, print...) and do something else.

2) there should be a possibility to open the same file on a shared drive... but it does not work properly and you might crash your scoring file ! so, NOT recommended.

3) there is also the possibility to copy the file and open it on another computer to do something else, inclusive scoring another event on the second lake.
Then, on the original file is the "master", you can import events and scores from the copied file.
See in menu "file", "Import scores", and select (or drag and drop) the second file.

I hope that help.

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Re: Multi computer access

Post by cdietrich »

Thanks for the reply, I will know if I run into troubles, when I'm in the middle of a comp, and things break ;-)
For 'read only' operation, the copy file is probably the safest option.
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Re: Multi computer access

Post by NZTWSA_RC »

At the recent Under 21 Worlds they were running 2 lakes simultaneously. They were also doing live scoring and using surepath on at least one of the lakes.
How were they managing the scoring system?
Were they using one or two computers?
How did they keep the scoring file together?

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Re: Multi computer access

Post by emmanuel »


As far as I know, they did run the scoring software on 2 computers.
Then they imported the scores from 2nd computer into the master scoring file on first computer.
(Possibility 2 in original post).

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