Homologation Version

Help, problems, suggestions about Waterski Homologation software
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Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:45 pm

Homologation Version

Post by rodgerlogan »

Emmanuel, would you please, in the future, annotate the version number with the current letter suffix. For example the link currently states that the version is 2021.01 instead of 2021.01c. There is no way to determine if you have the most current version without downloading and installing, in lieu of merely checking the web site. Thank you for all you do. Rodger Logan
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Re: Homologation Version

Post by emmanuel »

Hi Rodger,

The homologation software have now (since 2 years) a "check for update" feature (in menu help), that you can set to be done on each start of the homologation software.
Please, use that instead of relying on the update name (which is so for some reason).


PS: your post was in the wrong forum (scoring). I moved it to the "Homologation software" forum
Please post homologation related topics on "Homologation software" forum.
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