Error in publish

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Error in publish

Post by cdietrich »

I get an error when I try to publish files.
This typically comes after publishing many files - I am setting up 2 competitions one with all age classes, so many files.

First publish works well, first publish after publishing the starting lists, I get the error "Too many connections".
Error is persistent even if I quit or open another competition. Error is gone after a long wait (more than 30min).
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Any suggestions, competition starts Thursday, I don't want to be locked from publish during the competition.
Casper Dietrich
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Re: Error in publish

Post by emmanuel »


I think the web server is responding that.
I will check what happens and why.
But I can't guarantee that I can fix that for Thursday.

Please attach the scoring file (.wsk) that I can check.

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Re: Error in publish

Post by cdietrich »

Hi Emanuel
I had another issue with the scoring program over our nationals.
In both competitions the program did wrong clasification, I had skiers that independent of the score (i made a score on 9m) never moved above 4'th place. I had a tie, where the looser of the tie got a higher clasification (a seat in the final) than the winner. I had to make several starting lists by hand, and hand edit the printouts. Look at ... om_results see the 4'th place, he is the winner of the group.
I can send you the wsk files, but I prefer to do it private, can I get your e-mail.
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Re: Error in publish

Post by emmanuel »

Hi Casper,

1) Please, open a new discussion when reporting a new issue, instead of using a discussion thread for a different subject.

2) When you report an issue, please always attach the scoring file (.wsk) with the description of the problem.
Only with the scoring file, I can check what you have entered, check setup and anything else.
Yet, I got your competition file through in the E&A competition dossier for ranking list, so it's ok.

3) In slalom, one thing is VERY important: the minimum slalom starting speed:
the program is counting buoys from this speed, and make the classification with that count.
When you have wrong minimum starting speed, then you have wrong classification.

- In usual case of classification per category (your case), min. slalom starting speed should be entered via the competition creation assistant or in the event schedule:
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- you can change the min. slalom starting speed individually in the score window:
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In your competition scoring file, if you go in the 45+ men slalom event, you will notice that some skiers have 40, while the value is empty for other skiers.
Then, the buoys are counted from 22 for skiers with empty values, and from 40 for the other...
Either empty it for all skiers, or put 40 for all (or use event schedule, enter 40, save, and answer "yes" to question "change for all scores")...

Then your classification will be correct.

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Re: Error in publish

Post by janpresz »

I have problem with making IWWF scorebook file. I did the homologation for another competition and everythink was ok then I started to do the one and I stack on IWWF file. The problem is that the program always try to make wst instad of txt. And in the wst format is not like for IWWF file. I did a reinstalation of softwar and I tryed on another computer but it seems to be in WSK file. Could you pls check it.
Best Regards
Jan Presz
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Re: Error in publish

Post by emmanuel »

Hello Jan,

Both competitions are homologated as "normal" level, which is an E&A homologation, but not IWWF.
Which means, that there are no data to send to IWWF.
You just don't need to send "normal" homologated competition dossier to IWWF, just to E&A.

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Re: Error in publish

Post by janpresz »

Great. It is good to know. Thank you for your answer. I just more preventive because German was paid toll last year because of me... so I hope I did the mistake last time...
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Re: Error in publish

Post by janpresz »

UnfortunatlyI have the same problem with RL comp. I cannot create IWWF scorebook file. Make file... -> save scorebook... -> "save to Waterski Scoring WST format" insted of txt.
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Re: Error in publish

Post by janpresz »

Ok, I see... The program generate more then wst file. I was suggested because of last problems.
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Re: Error in publish

Post by emmanuel »

Yes, it saved the required files for homologation.

If you go in "Publish IWWF competition dossier",
then click on "Make file" button on line "Publish IWWF scorebook file",
the program will make the files of the dossier,
and fill the file name in the appropriate edit box.

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