End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

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David W
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End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by David W »


1. Classic slalom: with end course video being mandatory and the evolution of more sophisticated boat tracking software, it is prudent to ensure end course cameras are mounted on the course centerline to minimize error. Whilst there is currently no specification or tolerance for camera placement it would be helpful if you could add an additional survey point at each end of the course for camera location and provide a deviation from centerline in the computation and sketch
2. Homologation dossier: for "Speed Control Manufacturer" a drop down box with Zero Off, Perfect Pass and Other would be nice
3. Jump: you include provision in the survey for video buoys A-H. Whilst this provides enough references for homologation we typically set buoys from 0 - 70m in 10m increments along the side of the course. This provides a visual reference for the skiers without need for Splasheye or similar. At present to calculate X-Y coordinates and distance I have to save the survey in two files as there are not enough inputs available in one file. Would it be possible to increase provision so that there would be video buoys A-N and all could be on one file?


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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by emmanuel »

Hello David,

I did not see any new Iwwf rules for 2016 to check what should be done...

1: It is possible to add 2 survey points, but I am nor sure this will help a lot:
- many times, the end course cameras are far, and not visible from the theodolite (trees...)
- a visual check with the camera is I think the best way to ensure it is in line with the course !

2: Yes, easy to do.

3: in Video jump buoys, there are already survey points for 20m to 80m, with 10m increment, calculated coordinates and distance from ramp... exactly the purpose you ask for...
Is there something not working ? something missing ? something I did not understand ?

David W
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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by David W »


1. End course video is required under IWWF rules:
For jump: Rule 13.08a
For slalom: Rule 14.15
These are not new rules. Similarly AWSA requirement is for end course video for all slalom passes at record capable tournaments and under Australian Rules for L & R rated tournaments.
IWWF Rule 14.15 requires that the camera shall be mounted "on the centerline" - no tolerance is provided.
Visual analysis of the video suffers from parallax error if the camera is not on the centerline. Software packages now exist to analyze boat path video and some (e.g. Donal's latest development of Splasheye - "SplashEye Drive", which we utilize and assist with development) include a calibration if the camera is not on centerline. However results are best if the camera is on centerline.
Agree that the end course is not always visible from the survey point but sometimes it is and it would be preferable to have the ability to determine the centerline position. I have done this from alternate survey methods but it would be preferable if it was included in your package.
Not essential, but a "nice to have" feature.

2. Excellent
3. That should work fine.

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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by emmanuel »


I know that is in the rule since long.
And since this rule is there, you are the first asking for survey points for the cameras !

I still think, that visually aligning the camera on the center of the course is more efficient and faster as surveying the point:
when you install the camera there, you can see exactly where the camera should be, and zooming to get the best view possible also will help to see if camera is in center or not.

when surveying, you will just get a calculated value from axis deviation of something that you could already see through the camera !
And you will need to place it again...

Well, I will add this to my todo list, but not high on the list !

David W
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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by David W »

Thank you

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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by emmanuel »


I added this in 2016 version.

David W
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Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:49 am

Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by David W »

Great, many thanks.

Reference your scoring program:
The new 2016 IWWF rulebook introduces some changes to start speeds for Junior and O35 competitions (modifications to Rule 14.01 on Pages 63 and 69).
We had a pre-warning that these changes were to be made and tested this in the scoring program - it appears that it will not accept an entry for a shortening not at maximum speed. If this is correct, will you be revising the program to accommodate this rule change?

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Re: End Course Video/Dossier/Video Buoys

Post by emmanuel »

Hello David,

I know the new IWWF rulebook permit skiers to start with a shorter rope on a lower speed.

But, the score is counting exactly the same as on max length rope (18.25m).
a skier starting at 49/16, skiing at 52/16, and making finally 4/55/16
should be scored and placed the same way at if his was skiing 4/55/18.25m

Until now, I have no way to display the score with 16, while counting and placing with 18.25m
And, I am not sure it is necessary.

So, you need to enter the score with 18.25m rope.


PS: It would have been better if you have posted on the Waterski Scoring forum.
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