Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

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Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by tjones99 »

Just finished doing a jump grid survey and ran into an issue related to the baseline.

We surveyed ABCD and 30m check balls and entered the values. Our grid uses balls at 10m and 30m along the 15st 15et line and balls about the same distance the other side of the jump centerline parallel to 15st 15et.

Looking at the output it was failing the sanity check. the 10m ball along the 15st 15et line should show as x 10m and y 15m and they were way out of whack.

Finally dawned on us that we forgot to enter our 15st 15mt 15et values into the grid survey.

Did that, still the same issue... Even just looking at B alone something was out of whack.

Of course the issue turned out to be we had failed to set what the baseline we wer using (labelled X Axe I believe, should that be X Axis?) in the dropdown. We needed to set that to us the 15st 15et points.

The whole point of this message is that a lot of lost time would have been avoided if there was some way in the program to NOT display output values when there is something completely wrong in the input area. In our case we had values for 15st 15mt and 15et but were using one of the other baseline settings and there were NO values entered for those (I think Cam1 CAM2 CAM3 was selected by default), so how could it possible calculate values from no input.

Either forgetting to enter the measured values for the selected baseline or entering values and having the incorrect baseline selected results in erroneous output values where the reality is that no output should be possible.
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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by emmanuel »

tjones99 wrote:The whole point of this message is that a lot of lost time would have been avoided if there was some way in the program to NOT display output values when there is something completely wrong in the input area. In our case we had values for 15st 15mt and 15et but were using one of the other baseline settings and there were NO values entered for those (I think Cam1 CAM2 CAM3 was selected by default), so how could it possible calculate values from no input.

Either forgetting to enter the measured values for the selected baseline or entering values and having the incorrect baseline selected results in erroneous output values where the reality is that no output should be possible.

Yes, you are right: when the base line is missing, the software should not display any result and/or display a warning message.
I will improve the software that way.

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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by tjones99 »

Thatnks for the prompt response, thanks for looking into it, and thanks for the software in the first place. It is a huge time saver.
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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by emmanuel »

tjones99 wrote:Thatnks for the prompt response, thanks for looking into it, and thanks for the software in the first place. It is a huge time saver.
I just finished that improvement.
I would be very pleased if you could download it and check if that is working properly.

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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by tjones99 »

Tried. Download page still has 2012.02 and no change. Is there a special place i should download?
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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by emmanuel »

tjones99 wrote:Tried. Download page still has 2012.02 and no change. Is there a special place i should download?
No: you should press F5 to update the page, maybe...
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Re: Jump Grid Survey baseline bug?

Post by tjones99 »

Sorry for the delayed reply. On vacaiton with limited internet access.

2012.03 works to report issues with the baseline axis and is consistant with the look and feel of the way other value issues are reported. Thanks for the speedy response and fix. Excellent job. Will save others hours of frustration...
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