Waterski Skier IDs

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Waterski Skier IDs

Post by htr1006 »


I have faced this change on program, that a Scorer cannot anymore input a new skier with a new ID, correct?
If this is this moment situation, if this occur any Scorer, they need verify this with skier Federation? (normally YES)
How a Federation can create a skier ID? Just a random number after country IOC code? Example FIN1258765948?
Do the Federation need send their skier IDs to you (or Bob or World/Europe Waterski council) whenever they have a new skier?

Just need a clarification from you, so we can explain Scorers what is going on.

Thank you
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Re: Waterski Skier IDs

Post by emmanuel »

htr1006 wrote: Wed May 29, 2019 8:17 pm Hello,

I have faced this change on program, that a Scorer cannot anymore input a new skier with a new ID, correct?

No, this is not correct.
The scoring program can and should be used to get E&A skier ranking IDs.
It can sometimes happens that the server does not respond to the request...
If this is this moment situation, if this occur any Scorer, they need verify this with skier Federation? (normally YES)
No,in E&A, the IDs are not delivered by federations, but by E&A (at that time, through a web service that I have made).
How a Federation can create a skier ID? Just a random number after country IOC code? Example FIN1258765948?
No: the number is NOT a random number, and it contains a self check code to ensure to avoid typo errors.
Do the Federation need send their skier IDs to you (or Bob or World/Europe Waterski council) whenever they have a new skier?
Just need a clarification from you, so we can explain Scorers what is going on.
Again, no, the E&A federations should not create any IDs except with the scoring software.
If, for some reasons, the web service does not work, scorers should:
1) notify that to me (on this forum, or by mail at admin @ iwwfed-ea.org)
2) quit the scoring software (in case its connection to internet failed), and retry again

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