Instructions for dummies?

Help, problems, suggestions about Waterski Homologation software
Mark Macdonald
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:17 am

Instructions for dummies?

Post by Mark Macdonald »

I want to survey our course but have never used this software before.
Is there any form of 'User Manual' for dummies?

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Re: Instructions for dummies?

Post by emmanuel »

Mark Macdonald wrote:I want to survey our course but have never used this software before.
Is there any form of 'User Manual' for dummies?

Hi Mark,

Sorry, no, there is no manual for the homologation software.

- an homologation file is composed by "elements"
- elements are surveys, or dossier (IWWF homologation check list), or official list
- you have to create a new appropriate element for the new survey you are doing
(well, the start assistant is creating the few elements you indicates, but you can create as many you need)
- in a survey, you need to fill with angles (and distances for polar) the first 2 columns left of the grid, and that for each surveyed buoy/point
- as soon as the reference axis is defined, the calculated distances appear on the right grid
- you can click on the "sketch" button to get a sketch of the survey
- you can print each survey, or the complete dossier, to the printer or to PDF document

- If you have a Leica, Nikon, or TopCon theodolite with rs232c over USB communication, there is also the possibility to connect the software with the theodolite, and get the angles/distances wired.
(a small documentation is available on the web site for that)

I hope that helps.

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