B final result exluded from team and overall

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B final result exluded from team and overall

Post by villep »

Is it possible to configure so that result done in a B final is exclude from result when calculating overall and team scoring?
I searched an did not find any obvious way of doing that configuration.

Best regards
Vilhelm Persson
Site Admin
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 8:34 am

Re: B final result exluded from team and overall

Post by emmanuel »

Hello Vilhelm,

No, it is not possible.

A way to go around that would be to use a another round for the B final:
like round 1 = prelim
round 2 = B final
round 3 = A final
individual classification = round 3, break ties on 2, then 1
overall calculated with round 1 and 3

but, this is problem when sending data to E&A or IWWF:
the overall ranking list is calculated per round, and some skiers making a final is one event and b final in another will not have their scores for 2nd time skiing recorded with the same round number...
so, not recommended for RL event, but could be used for a normal homologated competition.

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